Windshield Pitting: What You Need To Know

Windshield pitting is a common problem for many car owners. Windshields are pitted when acid rain, bird droppings, or other materials get on the glass and start to eat away at the surface. The longer that these substances stay on your windshield, the worse they will make it look. Pitted windshields can be frustrating to deal with, and it’s important to know the facts before you decide how to handle the situation. In this blog post we’ll discuss what causes windshield pitting, who should repair pitted windshields, and more!

What Causes Windshield Pitting?

While auto glass is certainly sturdy, it doesn’t last forever. Driving in inclement weather, through construction zones, and on rough roads can scratch or ding your windshield. When small rocks and other road debris collide with your windshield they may create tiny indentations you might not notice at first but could become more prominent over time if the abuse keeps happening (especially as those minute scratches build up).

Other situations that contribute to pitting include:

●    Blowing sand, typical of desert environments

●    Long-term UV exposure

●    Salty air, typical of coastal environments

●    Wind-thrown debris

Is Windshield Pitting Hazardous?

Pitting can alter the way a windshield shatters in the event of a collision; it can also compromise your vision while driving. When sunlight shines through pitted glass, it may reflect at unexpected angles and create glare that is potentially dangerous for both day and nighttime drivers.

You could unknowingly be driving around with a windshield covered in pits and cracks. This poses a safety risk to both you as the driver, and those on either side of your vehicle when it comes time for an accident or sudden stop.

Should You Repair or Replace Pitted Auto Glass?

If you have a small crack in your windshield, it’s possible to repair smaller cracks and pits with state-of-the art auto glass fabrication machines. However, if there are extensive pitting on the surface of your window panes or other areas where damage may impact your safety – then replacement may be necessary.

A common misconception among drivers, according to both the Society of Automotive Engineers and the National Glass Association, is that polishing out pitting can repair it. In reality, there’s no current recommended method for how to fix them.

If you find a shop that tells you they can repair your badly pitted windshield, exercise caution. Polishing or sanding away pitting can compromise the integrity of your windshield glass, potentially putting not only yourself but others at risk for injury and even death. Don’t take that chance!

At Windshield Repair Modesto, your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities. If you’re having trouble seeing through your windshield due to extensive pitting that may be compromising visibility, we urge you bring it by so a certified technician can assess the damage with AGSC-certified glass repair or replacement for all types of auto windscreens throughout Modesto metro.

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